
Kiori Zirconia Crown Advantages over Porcelain Bonded Crowns

Zirconia Crowns and Bridges offer several advantages over Porcelain Bonded restorations. In this article Victoria Macpherson, ALS Academy Director, describes some of the key benefits:

1. Superior Aesthetics

Natural Appearance: Zirconia has a translucent quality that mimics the natural appearance of teeth more closely than Porcelain Bonded restorations.

No Metal Base: Unlike Porcelain Bonded crowns, Zirconia does not have a metal base, preventing any risk of metal showing through, especially if gum recession occurs.

2. Strength and Durability

High Fracture Resistance: Zirconia is significantly stronger than porcelain, making it less likely to chip or crack. This makes full zirconia an excellent option for bridges and crowns in high-stress areas like pre-molars or molars, and anterior layered zirconia an excellent option for anterior allowing bespoke layering to achieve bespoke characterisation duelled with the strength on the palatal biting/ guiding surfaces.

Resistant to Wear: Zirconia is highly resistant to wear and tear, both against opposing teeth and from food and other forces exerted in the mouth.

3. Biocompatibility

Non-Irritating: Zirconia is highly biocompatible, meaning it is unlikely to cause allergic reactions or irritation to surrounding tissues, making it a good choice for patients with metal sensitivities.

Gum Tissue Response: Zirconia crowns tend to cause less inflammation in the gums compared to metal-based crowns, promoting better gum health.

4. Better Long-Term Stability

No Corrosion or Metal Sensitivity: Since there’s no metal in zirconia crowns, there’s no risk of metal corrosion or reactions that can sometimes occur with metal-based restorations.

Colour Stability: Zirconia crowns do not change colour over time, unlike porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns, where the porcelain can sometimes discolour, or the metal can start showing through in marginal areas.

5. Minimal Tooth Preparation

Conservative Tooth Reduction: Zirconia crowns typically require less tooth reduction compared to Porcelain Bonded Crowns because zirconia is so strong that it can be made thinner without compromising its durability.

6. Better Fit and Precision

CAD/CAM Technology: Zirconia crowns and bridges are fabricated using computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology, resulting in a more precise and better-fitting restoration.

7. Versatility

Suitable for a Wide Range of Cases: Zirconia can be used for both anterior (front) and posterior (back) restorations due to its strength and aesthetics. Porcelain bonded is more limited by aesthetic concerns in the front teeth and strength is limited in the posterior teeth.

In summary, zirconia crowns and bridges provide superior aesthetics, strength, biocompatibility, and longevity, making them an ideal choice over traditional porcelain bonded restorations for many dental applications.


Author: Victoria Macpherson, Academy Director – ALS Dental

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